
How to Stop a Windscreen Crack from Spreading

You’re driving at the assigned speed when suddenly something hits your windscreen cracking only a part of it. Before this tiny yet mighty crack spreads to your entire windscreen, let’s learn the what’s and how’s to stop it from spreading.

But you might be wondering why is it necessary to stop a windscreen crack spreading even if it’s at a corner which isn’t obstructing your view. Here’s why:

Small Crack but Big Risk!

Prevention is better than cure applies not only to diseases but also machines which have made life easier and more convenient for us. A car is one such machine which needs maintenance and care just like a human body. To safely travel in all kinds of weather, calls for safety measures as well. This includes making sure that your car has no windscreen cracks, neither minor nor major. While a major one automatically grabs the attention of car owners, minor ones are often neglected. Thereby, leading to bigger problems on the road. This might be news to many but most of the times, it is the small and neglected windscreen cracks which cause more hassle. Specially when it comes to long distance travelling. There’s also the dreadful possibility of your entire windscreen cracking in the middle of the road in an isolated area.

Subtle yet Fatal!

Even if the windscreen crack is very subtle, there is a fatal risk of the entire windscreen cracking while you’re driving endangering your life as well as the lives of your loved ones. Believe it or not, knowing how to stop a windscreen crack from spreading can actually save lives.

On that note, let’s look at the ways to stop a windscreen crack, no matter how small, from spreading.

DIY (Do It Yourself) Attempt

Using glue, tape or any other method is a temporary but quick fix. On days when you’re in a hurry to go to work, short on time or there are sudden plans, this will act as a ready made and cost-effective solution.

Keep a Windscreen Repair Kit handy

Your windscreen panel needs more than just washing it periodically. This is why keeping a windscreen repair kit with the essential tools handy is helpful. You can ask for one from your car’s company. They’ll either provide one or guide you where to buy one from. This will benefit you the most during long distance trips in case a crack appears on your windscreen out of nowhere. It is a more permanent solution and a one-time investment.

Windscreen Repair

In case, you’re not confident enough to try the above stated methods, call the experts. Yes, there are companies, both car and solely windscreen repair, which provide windscreen repair services at affordable rates. If the crack on your windscreen is not that big and you do not wish to replace it too soon, windscreen repair is the best option for you. Specially if it’s a new one or you’ve replaced it recently. Depending your location, our windscreen repair services will come to you and make your windscreen look like nothing had happened to it.

Windscreen Replacement

The permanent solution of all is to get the whole windscreen replaced if you deem it fit. A suitable method if you’ve had your car for quite a few years now. Small cracks have a higher chance of spreading in old cars as the quality of glass can deteriorate over time. If the windscreen crack is beyond repair probably because of dirt piling up around the cracked area, windscreen replacement will work the best. We also provide windscreen replacement services, click to know more. This might be a little over the budget for you but is a favourable option which will increase the resale value of your car.

Avoid Extreme Weather Conditions

Too hot or too cold is never good for the body. Similarly, the same applies in the case of vehicles and their windscreens. Looking at the problem of a windscreen crack from a scientific point of view can help prevent its spread as well. Abrupt temperature change in very hot summers, very cold summers or very humid monsoons can also lead to windscreen cracks given the properties of glass. Glass has a tendency to melt, freeze or show irregular behaviour as per its surroundings. Since weather conditions are out of our control, parking your car in places like a garage or under the shade when you’re out can prevent your windscreen from cracking on its own. Try not to park in crowded areas due to the risk of strangers causing cracks, whether on purpose or not.

These are some of the ways to stop the spread of a windscreen crack which can help you. You can also share this with a loved one you know who has been negligent towards a windscreen crack.

Know the Top 7 Causes of Windscreen Cracks and its Easy Solutions

The Windscreen Panel of any vehicle is one of the most significant parts which require a good treatment. It is through the front Windscreen Panel a driver can actually get the idea of his/her destination. A single crack or defect on the glass may hamper your driving and cause a severe accident.

Even though most of the people invest lots of money in bringing the vehicle to their home as an asset, they fail to treat it well. They often do not look into the broken or cracked windows and glasses properly. And whenever they do so it’s too late to fix.

However, everyone should be careful enough to treat the mechanical parts of their vehicles well to avoid any danger. If you do not know how to handle the mechanical parts of your vehicle gently, it may lead you to face a series of troubles. That’s why, being aware in advance of its causes and solutions may help you to avoid Windscreen cracks.

Here are top 7 factors that may cause Windscreen crack and also its solutions:

  • Uneven Gritty Roads: Travelling on the gritty, uneven or rough roads may cause a severe issue to your glass. On the gravel roads, the pebbles get ground, bounce off and may hit both the front and back glasses of your car. Instantly, it may cause such severe damages that you need to get a Windscreen shop to replace the broken glass with a new one. Therefore, make sure you drive slowly wherever you have to travel on such kinds of risky and gritty roads.


  • Accidents: If you park your car near any market, or a playground it can be as menace as a road accident. Often a ball, stone, or anything heavy hit the glass or even the body of your car also.
    Parking your car in a safe place that is distant from the crowd and market may protect it from damage. Rather than keeping your car naked, choose to cover it well whenever you have to park it in public.


  • Extreme Sunrays: Direct sunlight for a long period of time may strike the Windscreen, loosen its molecule bonds and expand its surface. It also results in several cracks on the windscreens. With due time the glass becomes damaged and hazy. Make sure whenever you park the car you do not forget to cover its glasses with a car shield to protect it from the scorching heat.


  • Following fully loaded vehicles: Most of the windscreen cracks happen due to lack of distance from the overloaded vehicles, such as garbage cars, tractors etc. They carry lots of heavy materials and if they suddenly happen to fall on the nearby car, it can crack the glass. So always try to maintain proper distance from such vehicles to protect you and your car.


  • Alternative temperature and air pressure: The way the changes of weather affect a human body, it also disturbs the natural balance of your Windscreen. You must have noticed a glass gets quickly cracked due to the extreme hot or cold environment. Similarly the sudden contraction and expansion due to fluctuating temperature and air pressure may damage the screen of your car. Manage to set the heater and defroster of your car carefully.


  • Hailstorms: While traveling in places of extreme weather, especially in rainy or winter seasons one may face sudden hailstorms. Those stones are dangerous and enough capable to break your glass completely that you need to visit a Windscreen shop to replace it. Windscreen Replacement Cost may not be affordable for everyone. So always try to halt your car in a safe place and wait for the hailstorm to settle.


  • Poor Quality of Windscreen: Due to the high range of Windscreen Price people often cannot afford to buy the standard quality of glasses. The local duplicate glasses may apparently look similar, but its manufacturing defect can cost you more money to replace it frequently. Thus it becomes prone to several Windscreen cracks and damages in your car. The original Windscreen Panel may cost you extra money but you should always choose the good quality while buying the mechanical equipment from a trusted Windscreen shop.

Internal damage due to past accidents may also reduce the strength of the glass even if you repair it well. Windscreen plays a crucial role while driving that any hair line scratch may also trouble you badly. That’s why whenever you get a serious damage in your car, call the professional and trusted mechanic to replace it without any delay.

So, these are the top seven factors that may bring scratches or severe damages to your windscreen panel. Have a regular maintenance of your car for its betterment. Also make sure you follow the suggestions accordingly to protect your car from any future damage.

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